Saturday, February 23, 2013

Cold Tea And Winter Dreams

The last few weeks summarised in a word cloud.

Created with Wordle.


  1. Not a bad life, all things considered.

  2. There's a particularly nice bit in the middle - imagination, dreams, decadence, Baudelaire, music.

  3. This is so pleasing. We should always do this to see the balance, because it isn't always easy to rise above the dismal when we're in it.

  4. sending healing wishes, along with the hope that you enjoy many meditative moments with rachmaninov playing in the background..

  5. This is good to see(and do). Hope you continue to rest, listen to Mozart and eat cold soup. ;)

    Hoping for less pain for you. You will be teaching us all a thing or two about slowing down and patience.

  6. Pain, decadence and cold soup. Life in your Parisian garret seems to be working out as planned!

  7. Thanks Dominic, Ruth, Amanda, Jan and Goat for your comments and continuing support!

  8. Sorry to hear you've been ill, but thank goodness for soup, tea, good books and penicillin! I love your word collage and may be moved to create one myself each month or so to guard against allowing my life to become to dull.
